O Lord,
Grant me just one more day—
A day to be the daughter
Of my great father once again.
To shower him with boundless joy,
To embrace my lovely beard,
To honor my dense green heart,
And to fulfill every promise
To my heavenly gift.
O Lord,
Grant me one more day—
A day to smile into his eyes,
To rest within his sheltering arms,
To play our silly games once more,
Fingers entwined, laughter unchained.
To wander hand in hand
Through the winding, whispering alleys,
Living once again
As his carefree daughter.
O Lord,
Please grant me one more day
To ride behind him on our old scooter,
My voice streaming without fear -
The wind carrying our laughter away,
As he boasted his old Dubai days.
Stopping for our favorite mango pulp,
Sipping memories in quiet delight—
Just a daughter and her Pappa,
One last ride, one last time.
O Lord,
Just one day—only one—
To be with my Pappa once more.
To touch his moustache,
The one I adored as a child.
To share my fears,
Knowing he’d wipe them away.
To hear, just once more,
His steadfast voice assuring me,
"I will never let you fall."