Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Smile from the underworld -short story

The king of underworld was perplexed in viewing the smile:smile on the lips of a late mountaineer who was not successful in his mission too. Hades questioned the mountaineer for reason. And the mountaineer replied, "In your eyes I maybe a failure. But my heart knows that I am successful because I tried my level best to taste my passion. Eventhough I didn't conquered mountain,I conquered
my passion by undertaking the risk.I started my journey to fulfil my passion and thus my heart is filled with joy. Eventhough I died without completing my mission, I understood  the spirit of mountaineering. Moreover my conscience will never prick me. Because I tried...""Result is secondary;Attempt is primary.""I became a defunct, but a jovial defunct"

Nameless I

Fill my tummy with platters, While my neighbour's tummy is filled with air. Let me touch the sky, When my knight's rook sank in t...