Friday, March 22, 2019

Alone in the church

The knell of glory,
awakened me and;
I found myself alone,
before the holy grail,
waiting the nightingales,
to begin the session.
No one had yet come,
And along the dead ones,
I stood besides the door.
I hope my friends would,
join me soon,and
I can leave the holy premise.
But I awaited them,
with the pious ancesters.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Chess; the battleground

Sixty four squares;
with  black white crosses;
like a battleground,
White moves the first.
The  letter loving knights,
and  diagonal moving bishops,
Powerful Rook who move freely,
And queen is there for king.
The pawns who castle the warriors,
And the square is full of warriors.

From students

O  my dear teacher!
Like cocoon in dry shell,
waiting to  come out,
We are safe in  your presence.
Those who pave light,
in our way are honoured.
Those who supply wisdom,
are worshipped in hearts.
Ignorance are not to hurt,
But to be rectified.
Mistakes and folly;
are to be reversed,
with the guidance.
We owe to be Ekalavyas,
And not tears in your eyes.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Niobe,the weeping stone

I am the weeping stone,
you see in Asia Minor.
I was born to Tantalus,
and Amphion garlanded me.
But now I stand on Mount Siphylus,
with rock face and weeping eyes.
I lost my kids for my pride.
I boasted and got Leto's wrath.
Apollo,the sun god slayed my sons.
Arthemis, killed my ladies too.
As a lost mother,I am imprisoned
in this Phyrgian rock alive,
and with streamed water.
I am Niobe,the subject of vengeance,
And the tragic mother of Thebes.

Grant me one more day

O Lord, Grant me just one more day— A day to be the daughter Of my great father once again. To shower him with boundless joy, To embrace my ...