Thursday, November 7, 2019

Hamlet in rage

As the prince of Denmark and,
Great scholar from Wittenberg;
I had many matches to finish
but was blind with faternal love.
But I spent the time in inaction,
with sublime thoughts.
I had a pure beautiful soul,
who was loyal to father,
and dearer to brother.
But she admired me alot,
Alas I conversed in absurdity.
I had an innocent mother,
whom caressed me after marriage too.
And the whole court with the king,
gave me ears with concern.
And I was blessed with bosom friend too.
But the creator made me insane,
And I wasted the time with thoughts.
And our lives end as tragedy,
with high philosophical note.

To Pappa

Pappa, I hate you for leaving without a word, Vanishing from our lives, your voice unheard. I hate you for departing with that gentle smile,...