Wednesday, June 24, 2020


It was a fearful ghost, 
Whom I may call as past. 
Under the sprig of dark
And with mighty dog's bark, 
Now it visited my book, 
And gave me ideas to cook. 
It was filled with emotions, 
And surprised to see new notions. 
But motionless was I, 
who brooded with gloomy eye
at the passage of time, 
So I muted it into rhyme 
And now my ghost is living. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Unwed Mother

She advocated suicide,  
But never thought for foeticide. 
She was a mother, 
Who can't show her baby her father. 
But she gave her baby a word, 
"Not to leave till her bird, 
learn to fly alone in this world."

Monday, June 22, 2020


Dark skin made her pale
But white skin never promised a bail. 
Dark eyes were attractive 
And grey eyes were reactive.
Red lips was a pain
But dull lips was considered a bane. 
Slim flesh was glassy
And fat flesh was classy.
But none looked it in a goddess, 
But searched for it in a mistress.  


"Fault in your stars
And found it as scars."
But never spoke a word, 
As stopped by the bird, 
with her pack of cards.
But heard the note of bards;
"Fault in your art, 
And never be a dart!
But be an arrow, 
And never borrow,   
the lies of an occult"


Hope is a disease, 
Which affects your heart. 
It never decrease, 
Your spirit like a hart;
But hop your pulse, 
So never wish to part. 
Hope is a promise
Which affect your art, 
And it increase 
Your thought from blackout. 

Monday, June 15, 2020


Ancestors captured this kingdom, 
where no man dare to come, 
Ruled it by spinning beautiful huts, 
which I never ceased the custom.
Idly we ruled this kingdom, 
As we got meal to fill our guts, 
So many flees lost their souls here, 
And I continued my spinning too.
But this dawn saw my webs falling
with the broomstick of the mighty lady, 
and now I rest in soil as an unkind king. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Black seer with shaven head
stood at the pedestal 
and invoked the muse 
for a beam from the creator. 
But muse failed to find his query
As his doubt was on black;
And his query dealt with identity. 
Muse wept with doubt, 
As she found nothing novel in white. 
Muse was unable to find
contrast in black and white. 
Black seer took a razor
and pealed his skin
and found white and red
which can be seen inside a whiteman too. 

Sear Wings

Scorching heat never traced me, 
As my wings carried fire, 
And was kindled with thoughts too. 
I was a firefly once, 
who carried thoughts in the gut. 
But I got ignited wings, 
from an ember filled valley, 
And the ember was burnt with pain;
And the pain carried tears
which rekindled the hearts. 
But a dart with crooked fire
was pitched by a masked hunter, 
and it scorched my wings. 
But now,
My sear wings awaits the day to fledge. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Rag of bones, a wanderer, 
Paused in front of alehouse, 
Unnoticed, he stood there;
And the sun rose and set 
Without finishing his wish.
He ran through the alleys, 
and his nose stopped him, 
But none gave him a loaf.
Paused in front of the shrine too, 
But none paused for a glance of him, 
Unnoticed, he stood there;
And wind passed without meal.
Atlast he embraced the soil, 
to be fed by hungry flees. 

Monday, June 8, 2020


Tears sailed his eyes, 
Words chocked his throat, 
Alone he stood at the deck. 
Waves carried his eyedrops
And the sea waited for him, 
to ensnare and adopt him. 
He never found one to hug,
but his eyes searched for one, 
Not for a hug but for an answer. 
He was alarmed with the question;
"Who is your father?"
He never answered, 
as he never knows.
Without answer he hugged the sea. 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

It's a dream

Twinkling stars and dreaming moon
Visits me overnight and whispers; 
to wake up and to ride my horse, 
to the dream, dream of success.
Dancing dandelions with the greeny path
Visited me today and asked me, 
to wake up from my dream, 
And to ride the horse, 
to the thorny path of success. 
It's a dream unravished, 
till I unravell it. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Mother Earth

I can't breathe, 
as my lungs is filled with bricks,  
mixed with sand and cement. 
I can't move, 
as my legs are broken, 
to make loot houses. 
I can't be clean, 
as I bath in drainage, 
mixed with chemicals.
I can't live, 
as I lost my greens, 
and looted by many. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Bravely I fought for ale, 
Kindreds follwed me for their bail. 
I ruled my kingdom, 
And proudly stole their boredom. 
I was buried and they engraved my tomb
in the most honourable manner. 
Time enlarged my tomb, 
And decades made me rust
And wiped away from the memory lane. 
And now I am an ancestor, 
who rest in the ancestry lane, 
and forgetten from the future too. 

Grant me one more day

O Lord, Grant me just one more day— A day to be the daughter Of my great father once again. To shower him with boundless joy, To embrace my ...