Saturday, October 31, 2020

Poetic Muse

From this grassy shore;
I invocate my glassy muse,
To bring new ink and bore
the ignited heart to fuse,
his thoughts with fancy and fill
the void mind with seeds;
Of love, war and tears and to mill
them into the pages of deeds.
And this grass will wipe,
my fancy to make it real,
And my pen will find ripe
fruits to make it feel.
Thus, I invocate my poetic muse,
To bless me with her poetic booze.

Sunday, October 25, 2020


I wish to be rescued from,
the horrors of pain.
I wish to be relieved from,
the frightening medicines.
I wish to be dead from,
the endless fear of death.
I wish to be dead from,
the painful horrors of life.

Saturday, October 10, 2020


She was born to a Dalit family;
And she was a Dalit woman,
Who never made jaggar
Without sweating.
She was born to Dalit parents,
Who never taught her to loot.
She was born to a Dalit community,
Where she was taught to be humane.
She was born as a Dalit,
And never lived as a whore.
But you may not allow her;
To drink from your well,
To sit with you,
And to talk like you.
But when she die,
She can embrace the soil like you,
She can be eaten up by the worm like you.
And when she die,
Her soul can meet the creator, not like you,
But as the soul healed by the heavenly nectar,
Which you denied when she was alive.

Letter to my death

Dear death,
Meet me soon,
as I am worried and frightened,
Of the events happening around us.
I know you will come,
But I don't know when!
I know you are powerful,
But you are not masked,
Like the ones who surround us.
Meet me soon without delay
As you are not cruel,
Like the barbaric leaders.
Meet me soon to sanctify us.

Grant me one more day

O Lord, Grant me just one more day— A day to be the daughter Of my great father once again. To shower him with boundless joy, To embrace my ...