Friday, March 19, 2021


These are the wings fledged 
From the scorn and tail.
But these are the wings which retold
the tale with the ink of pain.
These are the wings pinioned 
To fly like an elegy with a rag of curses.
But these are the wings which rewrote
The history with the quill of success.
These are the wings which flew ahead
Above the jealous and crooked tale.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


Rebel am I,
Alive with a dark heart
Filled with remorse;
And wail with the black eyes,
Which found the injustice!
And the revolt against norms,
Which curse the unique ideas
Is a never ending revolt to
Kill the hidden agendas of cruelty.
Rebel am I,
Crucified by the jealous spirits,
Which killed my thoughts,
With their soaked rules!
But the revolt against disgrace
Is never veiled till the last breathe!
And as a rebel I will expire,
With the victorious triumph of rebellion.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Signature am I,
Who praise the identity
By unveiling the soul.
Signature was I,
Who shed tears
By hiding in a den.
Signature am I,
Who killed the inferiority
By digging the superior traits.
Signature was I,
Who was abandoned
By the pompous masks.
Signature am I,
Who won the temptations
By the trophies and victories.
Signature am I, 
Who took birth
From the graveyard
And from the toil of years!
At last I am the signature
Who won the dignity,
From the past  of negligence.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


The pen, my magic pen;
Destined to rewrite my tale
Was perplexed in this journey
Of retelling my tale with the smile.
The pen was envisioned to, 
Scatter the hard pebbles
And to throw them off,
Was tired with the search for
Softness among rashes.
But the magical vision
Failed to restore the tale,
With the seducing fragrance.
As I opened my eyes,
To read the new page of sorrow
Which followed me from the past,
the tale is aborted by the inkless pen.


Inferior am I, 
With the penniless hands
And lame darkened body!
While you are superior,
With the gold coated hands
And white skinned body!
Inferior am I,
With the unfit loose wall of rags
And pebbles filled shelves!
While you are superior,
With the coastly thin  veil of rags
And medals filled shelves.!
Superior am I,
With my thoughts of inferiority,
Which excavated my glory from the pebbles.
And superior am I,
With the polished thoughts of expedition,
Which dug my graveyard to loot my ignited wings.

Grant me one more day

O Lord, Grant me just one more day— A day to be the daughter Of my great father once again. To shower him with boundless joy, To embrace my ...