Saturday, June 19, 2021


It creates a void
Which cannot be filled with 
Golden bricks or silver cement.
It creates a memory
Which cannot be replaced with
Diamond jewels and purest gems.
It creates a song,
Which cannot be heard with
Magical string and ornated flute.
But it is a replica,
Of your life
Where you poured your dreams!
It is the medal
Which ornate your grave,
With the tears of your dear ones.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Snake Bite

I peeped into her room
To poison her dream!
Alarmed with my hiss,
She chopped my head.
But cursed with my death,
She carried fear to generation,
As her culture stood with me.


To my ghost,
I can write an elegiac poem
Which may resonate your unsaid voice,
With a volcanic eruption of your soul.
To my slave,
I can write a freedom resolution
Which may reflect your unseen spirit,
With a dislocated structure of your home.
To my friend,
I can write a hidden manifesto
Which forbid you from dying as a slave
With a massive depiction of reality;
" Never live as a slave,
until you forget your breathe." 

Grant me one more day

O Lord, Grant me just one more day— A day to be the daughter Of my great father once again. To shower him with boundless joy, To embrace my ...