Like Frost in yellow woods
I too was once in a dilemma.
I took my haven for travel
But now I contemplate;
my choice as wrong.
When obligations conquered my spirit,
I heard biased voices from myself,
and thus I put myself in hell.
The hell ignites prejudiced lamp.
And I am caged in hell alone
without joy and peace.
Despirited and unarmed I;
rests alone in the throng,
with desperate heart.
Reshma L R✍️For more insights 🧐"" & Poetry collections : "Unstrung Notes", "Elysian Florets", "Wonder Meal", "Ormakal"
Friday, August 30, 2019
Solved dilemma😢😭
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The moth-stricken book
Moth-stricken book is past,
but it paves way for posterity.
The recorded ink may stain,
but never vanishes from text.
Difficult to decode the signs,
but the symbols can foresee.
Scribbled letters are numerous,
but the pages are not enough.
Myriad colours filled the pages,
which includes darkness too,
and duplicates can be seen too.
But the moth-stricken book
is now floral scented with love.
And I wish it not to fade,
and to mediate with me always.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Master of soul
Thou, my master
And I serves you.
But I am a master too,
And its over me.
And we have a master,
who resides abode,
who can create and destroy us.
He is the master of soul,
who found us,
And given multiple identities.
We call him by many names,
But he is the truth,
And nothing matters
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Ode to an alcoholic
Your journey to the dispensatory,
paves way for your visit to dispensory.
You passion for liquor,
will change you to the drugs.
You will fill your tummy with booze,
And then appoints a physician.
Grant me one more day
O Lord, Grant me just one more day— A day to be the daughter Of my great father once again. To shower him with boundless joy, To embrace my ...
Be in the kitchen, And satisfy my hunger. Be in the bedroom, And understand my longing. Be in the guestroom, And uphold my honor. Be in the ...
They call me Abled! But beautified it with difference. They send me to a special school! But protected me from special days. They label me g...
O Lord, Grant me just one more day— A day to be the daughter Of my great father once again. To shower him with boundless joy, To embrace my ...