Sunday, May 31, 2020

Mother Departed

When he knocked the door,  
She was chopping vegetables;
And planning to mop the floor, 
And not even cleaned the table. 
When he asked her to join, 
She never got the moment to think;
And left the house in ruin, 
And the eyes never got a second to blink.
No more will she wait for calling bells
And none can complain her makings more
And she left without packings too
So her morning bell is unheard too.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Writer's Block

Ink filled pen, 
Themeless mind, 
Wandering as in den, 
And suffer as blind. 
Blurred image of ash
Flew without wings
And rest in mirage. 
Quietened lungs
Breath the pages
And broke the glass
And the lovely images 
Too rest in the grass. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

How it hurts!

You don't know, How it hurts!
When I am caged in golden house. 
You don't know, How it hurts!
When I am attracted by fresh air. 
You don't know, How it hurts!
When I am invoked by new blossom. 
You don't know, How it hurts!
When I am promised with freedom, 
But fulfilled with fetters. 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Grand mother

I crossed my legs, 
to hear her stories. 
Her icy hair dances in the darkness
And the shrieky voice is as cute as cuckoo. 
Her eyes dwelt upon my ways, 
And her lullaby knells in my heart. 
I crossed my legs, 
reminiscing the bygone days. 


Bathed in blood, she stood there, 
with fire in eyes and haft in arms.
She pierced the heart, 
which sold her soul. 
She snipped the arms, 
which hold her tight. 
She broke the legs, 
which looted her guts. 
Bathed in blood, she stood there, 
with warning in her arms for the staring eyes. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Final Lyrics

Ashes from her graveyard, 
prompted her verses to fly. 
And her lines got birth 
And got applause too, 
But she laid their still. 
Ink which ejected her ideas, 
Was stained with stillness now. 
The pain of oblivion got voice 
And the  pain of separation is ignited.
But the poet was unlucky to see the flight, 
And was doomed of hearing her verses too. 
Now her soul is flipping the pages, 
And her grave is filled with music. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Scarlet woman

Sold her flesh, to fill her belly;
Laid with many, to meet her needs, 
Known as whore and live in slums, 
She wept in the morning with, 
Pain of heart and curse from gut. 
She reddened her lips with colour, 
And garlanded her hair with jasmine, 
Waited for her visitor at alleys in the dark. 
Man with gentle look and loving family
Visit her in the dark like a mewing cat
And taste the sip of adultery with her.
But abandoned in the morning, 
She was branded as harlot, 
And punished for adultery, 
So wore the scarlet letter in the public. 
But her visitor known as a family man
Walk through the alley as a gentleman 
And wore the sacred letter among the public. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Expiry Date

When I sought after my dreams, 
I forgot to read the contents, 
as I was huddling to win, 
so it concealed the expiry date.
When I walked with dreams, 
It opened the layer of contents:
Hardwork, hardships and hope
But it concealed the expiry date.
When I begun my journey again, 
The world show me the expiry date:
Expiry date for my dreams, 
And my dreams got burial too.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


O dear man of wisdom;
Take a pen and paper, 
And note these events, 
As you will not be saved, 
But should pass this for ages. 
This; a world of darkness 
was a mother of pleasure domes
but begot envious sons
who fight each other for power.
And the sons dug mother's 
legs and made palaces to live, 
So the tears were halted from falling. 
And the daughters chopped her hands
for her needs and pleasure, 
So the green garment was pierced. 
The snowy mountains were chopped 
And the lovely rivers were drained. 
But her progeny was not famished: 
They drank dyed water and toxic meal. 
Now her children are patients 
And her over flooded tears is another pain. 
It's rain...It's cyclone...
It's erosion...It's flood 
It's explosion...It's genocides...
It's disease which can't be diagnosed.
It's apocalypse but not a curse, 
It's a result of your life.
O dear learned man, 
Inscribe the past and present 
So the future can read, regret and rethink.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Letter to night

Dear night, 
I invite you to, 
accompany me in dreams, 
with buzzing music of cricket 
and dazzling stars in the sky. 
With them their king gives me, 
a ray of crescent  hope.
And I fell into my bed
to sleep with the icy moon and
to wake up to see the crimson sun.


I stared at mirror, 
It mimicked my fear. 
I grinned at mirror, 
It gave me my gentle curve. 
I wept before mirror, 
It gave me gloomy eyes. 
I stand before the mirror, 
And searched for their rules.
But the answer was void, 
As I saw my portrait in the mirror
And it asked me to stand straight. 

Poetry is

Poetry is neither comedy nor tragedy, 
But it can fill your tummy with thoughts. 
Poetry is neither cold nor hot, 
But it pave your way to the memory lane. 
Poetry is neither dead nor living, 
But it can paint your history with a quill.
Poetry is neither a bird nor an animal, 
But it can chase you when you read. 
Poetry is neither gold nor silver, 
But is more precious than your rubies. 

Monday, May 18, 2020


Deep inside the woods, 
I lie with pain of memories.
And sighing my last breathe, 
I, the prey prayed for mercy
when the predator was in merry.
But the beast was deaf;
Deaf to hear my cries. 
But the beast was not blind
As his eyes was on my flesh.
And his lips never caressed me
but his tooth chewed me with joy.
And deep inside the woods, 
he left me to be tarnished by vultures.

Friday, May 15, 2020


I am branded insane, 
But it ignites my thoughts.
You brought, 
Fetters for my ankles
And gaol for my body. 
But quill is in my hands, 
And my soul is not caged.
So my thoughts can fly. 
If you pinion me, 
My wings be fledged, 
with your cruelty. 
And my insanity will 
Publish your tales. 
I am insane, 
Not to make you mad, 
But to scribe reality.
And I lost my sanity
In the grounds of atrocities. 

Friday, May 1, 2020

Confused snake

I hissed, 
not to frighten you; 
But to awake me!
I want you, 
to let me live.
I am not an invader, 
But you are... 
I am confused, 
You conquered my habitat, 
But you make me alien. 
I hissed, 
not to miss my life. 
But you beat me, 
to loot my place. 
So I am confused. 

Grant me one more day

O Lord, Grant me just one more day— A day to be the daughter Of my great father once again. To shower him with boundless joy, To embrace my ...