Saturday, May 23, 2020

Scarlet woman

Sold her flesh, to fill her belly;
Laid with many, to meet her needs, 
Known as whore and live in slums, 
She wept in the morning with, 
Pain of heart and curse from gut. 
She reddened her lips with colour, 
And garlanded her hair with jasmine, 
Waited for her visitor at alleys in the dark. 
Man with gentle look and loving family
Visit her in the dark like a mewing cat
And taste the sip of adultery with her.
But abandoned in the morning, 
She was branded as harlot, 
And punished for adultery, 
So wore the scarlet letter in the public. 
But her visitor known as a family man
Walk through the alley as a gentleman 
And wore the sacred letter among the public. 

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